plotXpose is a companion app with the book Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough - click for more info

Triangular Wave

Triangular wave

To define a triangular wave function select this command from the Function Menu.

This command produces the "Define Wave Values" window. The triangular wave function is defined by using four parameters: Enter the values you wish to use for each and then select OK. Select Cancel to revert to the previous function. The offset is also referred to as the bias, or d.c., and represents the average value of the function over a complete period.

The derivative of the triangular wave is not defined at the tips of the triangles. However, for convenience, at these points the derivative is set by plotXpose to 0.

plotXpose app is available on Google Play
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Versions will shortly be available for iOS and Windows.
plotXpose app is a companion to the book Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough, published by Newnes, 2003.