plotXpose is a companion app with the book Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough - click for more info

Integrating periodicity - Solution

Use the View option to switch off the display of the derivative and switch on the display of the integral. Then tap the Function icon, y(t) and the Function Function pop-up menu appears

Graphs of Some Periodic Functions, with 0 offset, and their Integrals

cos(t) and its integral

Graph of cos(t) and its integral - plotXpose app, companion to Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough, published Newnes

3sin(t) and its integral

Graph of 3sin(t) and its integral

Triangular wave with 0 offset and its integral

Graph of a triangular wave with zero offset and its integral - plotXpose app, companion to Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough, published Newnes

Square wave with 0 offset and its integral

Graph of a square wave with zero offset and its integral - plotXpose app, companion to Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough, published Newnes

All the integrals of periodic functions with zero offset above are periodic

Graphs of Some Periodic Functions, with non-zero offsets, and their Integrals

cos(t)+1 and its integral

Graph of cos(t)+1 and its integral

3sin(t)-2 and its integral

Graph of 3sin(t)-2 and its integral - plotXpose app, companion to Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough, published Newnes

Triangular wave with offset 1 and its integral

Graph of a triangular wave with offset 1 and its integral - plotXpose app, companion to Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough, published Newnes

Square wave with offset 2 and its integral

Graph of a square wave with offset 2 and its integral - plotXpose app, companion to Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough, published Newnes

None of the integrals of functions with non-zero offset are periodic

The offset has resulted in the integral function being sloped

plotXpose app is available on Google Play
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Versions will shortly be available for iOS and Windows.
plotXpose app is a companion to the book Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough, published by Newnes, 2003.